Thursday, August 1, 2013

DAY - 1

August 1st, 2013.  Exactly two years from the start of 'Making It 365', the year long journey that has brought me to where I am sitting today…Nashville, TN.   If you scan back to last post, you'll see that I have not been good at updating.  That is going to change today.  Honestly, you haven't missed too much…new songs, a couple meetings, a few single-song pub deals, a jingle, a showcase at Bluebird cafe, the official move to Music City…oh, and I got MARRIED!  Still one fact remains, no hit songs, no exclusive publishing contract and no record contract.  With the encouragement of my wife, Susan, today I embark on a new journey.   Maybe "new" isn't exactly the right word.  I think "Chapter 2" more aptly describes my initiative.  This blogging adventure will follow the same guidelines as the first(as seen above).  
However, this blog will be coming to you straight from Nashville, the hottest major music city in the country, at the moment.  

This morning I read an interview with songwriting legend, Guy Clark.  Regarding the craft of songwriting and the music biz in general, he said three things that resonated with me, 
"it takes discipline, pure inspiration, and natural-born talent".  
I know I possess varying degrees of all three, however the one that I struggle with the most is discipline. Making a point everyday to send an email, make a phone call, go to a show, write a song, etc. That is a BIG reason for beginning Chapter 2. 'Making It 365' holds me accountable.  Whether 10 or 10,000 people read this, I have an obligation to this goal and to myself and by putting it out there, it becomes real and tangible. In this blog, I will again document my successes, failures and lessons learned while trying to 'make it' as a published songwriter/recording artist in Songtown, USA.  Without further ado I present, 'Making It 365: Nashville".

I've only been here for a month but this city is electric!  
The friendly people, the live music, the rockin' bars, the AMAZING food, the nightlife, there is ALWAYS something to do.   The city is experiencing record growth and what some are calling the birth of a golden age.  Like Sue and I, there are so many transplants.  It almost feels like a mini NYC.  Since returning from my honeymoon, I've been writing music non-stop.  The muse has been present and the ideas are pouring out of me like a leaf jammed gutter in a rain storm. Just finished up a beautiful song this morning via Skype with long-time friend and co-writer, E.M. Street.  Looking forward to getting some feedback on this one and eventually doing a demo.  I kicked off the networking with an email to Celia Froehlig, the VP of publishing at Black River Entertainment.  I had been in touch with Celia regarding meeting when I got situated in Nashville.  I sent her an email touching base about being in town and looking forward to meeting and potentially co-writing with one of her staff-writers.  That's it for today…it is 12:45CST and my guitar is staring me in the face.  Cheers! It's great to be back!


  1. congrats on the wedding!
    and niiiiice re: Nashville! :) you're so talented, i know you'll go far. just keep plugging away at it!

  2. p.s. glad you are blogging again :)
