Wednesday, February 15, 2012

DAY 155 + 156

Apologies for the delay!  Hope you had a romantic and wonderful Valentine's day.  If you didn't, someone out there is missing out.  Sue and I went to dinner and unfortunately had the worst meal ever!  Feeling sick today.  Oh well, the wine was good as well as the company.  ;)

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, as promised,  Here's the first rough mix of "Heart On A String" by Michael August & J Fred Knobloch

***This is the song we're pitching Disney/Pixar.  Fred is singing,  I'm playing piano and my Dad, August Walton, wrote and arranged the horn section.  Let me know what you think!!

So the past couple days have been a whirlwind of writing, recording and networking.  Yesterday, Liv Devine, Tyler James and I got together for a writing session.  Wound up being a killer day.  We finished a whole song (dance/pop ala Brittany Spears, Katy Perry) and started another one (country/pop ala Lady A)  The new one sounds absolutely beautiful, in my opinion.  Great news as well, today we sent the idea to J Fred Knobloch and he loved it and wants to write it with us.  Definitely pumped because Fred is such an incredible writer its a pleasure to have him join the team!  Today I had Tyler and Liv record the background harmonies on "Heart On A String"  so stay tuned for the final mix!

I heard back from HoriPro Entertainment.  Unfortunately, they said they cannot accept unsolicited material...gonna have to try and find a way around that.  I wrote back politely thanking them for their time.


  1. Nice job bud. Great record! Hope all is well!

  2. Hey Nate, Great to hear from you. Thanks a ton man! Just listened to a bunch of your new tunes on your website. Killer stuff man. Congrats on the new record. Cheers!
