Monday, January 6, 2014

DAY - 100+101

Hi, My name is Michael August and I am unemployed...

The feelings of elation that come from finishing grad school are almost immediately followed by the unrelenting realization that I am unemployed.  For the past few years, I was nestled safely under the umbrella of the phrase, "I'm a grad student."   Now, there's no excuse, there's no safety net, no umbrella.  'Grad student' to 'Unemployed' in one day.   Not that grad student is any prestigious title, but let's be honest, it sounds a whole hell of lot better than unemployed.  Wait a sec!  This is not the way it was supposed to be!  I was supposed to float seamlessly from graduate school into a full-time career as a hit songwriter and/or recording artist.  That was the plan.  Well, that time has come and I'm not floating seamlessly.  Instead, I'm being pulled down fast by an anchor of impending college debt and the weight of the "real world".   Sure, in NJ, I could at least go back to teaching my 40 private students, running workshops, gigging, doing the indie musician thing.  But here in Nashville, I have no life raft.  The PLAN didn't happen as planned.

So,  that's that I guess.  I gave it a good run. It was fun while it lasted.  I figure it's time to hang up the guitar and dust off the old business suit.  Ok, who thought I was being serious?  ;)  NO! Shit happens, things change, plans don't go as planned.   That doesn't mean it's time to give up. When it comes to doing what I love and pursing the dream of being able to do it full-time, giving up, just isn't an option.  It's not in my bones.  It just means it's time to work harder and possibly, differently.  I don't know what this next month will bring job-wise and I know this in between period is going to be stressful, but let it be fuel for the fire.

Back to business...

Today I reached out to hit songwriter, John Eddie.  I opened for John back in 2010 at a coffee house in NJ called Coffee Works. After the show, I'll never forget he came up to me and said he thought my song, "Caroline" was a hit.  John is veteran songwriter/artist and has had tremendous success. His latest cut was "More Than Miles" performed by country star, Brantley Gilbert.  I emailed John to re-introduce myself and see if he'd be into co-writing next time he's in town.

Today I also did some following up.  I emailed Natalie Harker from Liz Rose Music regarding setting up another meeting to show her my new material.  I also emailed Sony Music Canada songwriter/artist, Heather Longstaffe to get together for another co-write.

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