Monday, September 17, 2012

DAY - 300

Day 300.  The number 300 snuck up on me today and now it's staring me in the face.  I wasn't expecting to write a blog about Day 300 just yet.   It's exciting, scary, overwhelming and a multitude of other things all at the same time.   I don't really know where I thought I'd be by the 300th day of this adventure.  I can certainly say that I've come ALONG way...but there is still a ways to go.  Moving into the home-stretch, I can honestly say that I've never felt more prepared to reach a goal in all my life.   I can also honestly say that I've never put so much in to reaching a goal.  So much blood, sweat and tears have gone into this operation (ok maybe not blood)  that it's a little sad to see it winding down.   Well, what can I say...65 days left.  Let's make 'em count!

Today I emailed, long-time family friend, successful songwriter, and mentor, Dana Parish.  Dana is an amazing artist and songwriter whom I have mentioned earlier and throughout the blog.  Today I reached out to Dana to say hi, update her on everything that's going on and send some material her way.  Dana's husband happens to be in the film scoring industry and has a lot of success supervising and scoring music for movies.   I thought I'd reach out to send over "Heart On A String" to see if he may have any thoughts/ideas.  I believe whole heartedly that the song is perfect for a variety of movie scenes and I just need to get it into the right hands.  If he likes the song I also offered to send more over.  Composing songs and music for TV/Film is a huge outlet for a songwriter.  Anything I can do to get a foot in the door is a step in the right direction.

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