Saturday, November 17, 2012

DAY - 344

Apologies for the belated blog post... this is for yesterday, Friday Nov. 16th.

Woke up early from a dream about meeting with NYC publisher Lisa Johnson hah.  I actually met Lisa and her husband Doug (A&R for Curb Records in Nashville) about 2 years ago at the TAXI Convention in LA.  We shook hands and spoke briefly, but I've sent a couple emails over the past 2 years to keep in touch.  It's probably been about 6 to 8 months since I reached out, and since I had a dream about it, I decided to send over a little update :)

I told Lisa about what I've been up to and gave her new links to my stuff.  I also mentioned that I'm interested in co-writing with anyone on her team that she thinks would be a good fit.  We shall see.

Alright I gotta get going to teach some lessons (yeah I know, 9:45 on a Saturday morning)

Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Good thing you have such amazing Saturday morning students! ;)
