Wednesday, March 28, 2012

DAY - 186

Today I reached out to Warner Chappell songwriter, Ross Golan.  Ross is a talented, young, writer with a brilliant list of credits to his name already.  Just google him and you can read some great articles!  From what I understand, through some of the articles I've read, his style and concept is very similar to my own.  So, needless to say, I reached out to introduce myself.  I briefly let him know what I do/my goals and sent him some links to my music. I finished the email by letting him know I'm interested in working on something together and that I have a great idea I think he would dig.

The more I collaborate with other songwriters, the more I realize how each co-writer not only brings something different to the table, but even more importantly, brings something different out of me.  Over the past 6 months, I've begun branching out even more and writing with some amazing people and to be honest... it has rubbed off... ultimately making me a better writer.

On that note,  its time to relax and watch some Food Network.  Restaurant Impossible is on and I'm addicted.  Cheers!

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