Wednesday, October 26, 2011

DAY - 77

First day in Nashville...sorry for the delay in this blog, just had to gather all my thoughts and write with a clear head...

 The 'Sweet Angeline' team (Tyler James, Liv Devine and I) flew in 10am yesterday morning.  Then it was off to a full day of networking!  Here's the run down...

2pm:  Meeting with Ryan Beuschel at ASCAP (a 27 year old industry guy with a bigger office than my apartment) We talked a bit, played a few songs, got some advice and critiques and were on our way...

3pm:  Straight to our old friend Captain Jack. Liv met the Captain back in New Jersey about a year ago and kept up the connection.  Captain Jack owns a super successful internet radio station in Nashville that has over 200,000 listeners.  He plays Liv Devine Band's music all the time and also had Liv and Sweet Angeline on the show live back in August.  Great guy! 

5pm:  Had dinner with Jason Blume.  We ate at one of the most unassuming resturants in Nashville.  It could only be described as a perfect fit for the show "Diners, Drives and Dives" on Food Network.  Hole in the wall type of place with down-home southern cooking still made by Grandma.  It turned out to be an awesome time!  Jason was so cool to hang with on a personal level.

8pm:  We ended up meeting J Fred Knobloch out for drinks at a bar called the Gold Rush.  It was an awesome hang.  Fred is such a cool guy and seriously hilarious!  Made plans to hang again tonight.

Alright...its 9:40am Nashville time, chilling in Starbucks (of course) and getting ready to go to the studio to record the demo. 

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