Sunday, October 23, 2011

DAY - 76

The road to success is always under construction.

Anton Figg

Rejection is one of those big bumps in the road...

Unfortunately, I did not win the Texas Songwriters cruise competition. So close but so far away.  I was a finalist in both Rock and Country but didn't pull off the grand prize :(  Congrats to the winner!...check it out...

Also, My song 'Love Takes Work' was rejected from being pitched to Keith Urban.  "Not quite what we're seeking."  was the automated response. (refer to Day 74)  Maybe your not seeking the right thing!!  Haha JK :)  I completely understand though.  Music is a subjective business.  Just because I think a song would be absolutely perfect for a certain artist doesn't mean someone or anyone else will think the same thing.  This case in point.  

I heard back from Debi Champion at Commodore Grille. (refer to yesterday) She let us know that Tuesday writer's night is already booked but we're welcome to play the open mic night again.  I emailed her, thanking her for her time and let her know we might see her on Tuesday night.  

Anyway,  Its a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I'm leaving for music city (Nashville, TN)  tomorrow morning!  Everything is planned and in order. (Refer to last week) I will be keeping a detailed account the next couple days so stay tuned and wish me luck.  Cheers!

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