Thursday, May 31, 2012

DAY - 231

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

Beverly Sills

I was randomly reminiscing about a conversation I had with a friend of mine about 4 years ago.  He said something like, "Hey man, when do you think you'll give up on the whole music thing? You're young now, but what age do you think you'll quit if you don't make it?"  He didn't mean any harm by the question.  It was more or less a concerned, "hey, when are you going to get your life together" kinda thing.  I think my answer surprised him and honestly put some of his 'being a good friend worries' to rest.  I said, "I'm never going to give up.  I know my path is to create music and do it for a living. In my head, success is the only option because that's what I'm going to do the rest of my life."  I know it sounds cliche. Well, back then, I didn't know how to become successful... I didn't even know what success meant to me.  I just knew the one thing I was good at was writing and performing.... and I figured everyone else would eventually figure it out.

If I've learned anything over the past 4 years, its that no one is simply going to find you.  You have to pound the pavement, get involved and make yourself present!  And secondly,  you have to define your goals.  Specific, direct goals, then design a way to get there.  Actually, I think these 2 things should be reversed.  The latter is more important before you start pounding pavements!  Apologies for the preachy nature of this post...just had to get that off my chest. lol :)

Alright, things are shaping up nicely for Nashville.  Heard back from ASCAP rep, Ryan Beuschel today and we're set for a meeting on Wednesday morning.  Also, heard back from Scot Sax and it looks like we're getting together Tuesday of next week to work on the new song demo.  More to come so stay tuned!

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