Monday, May 21, 2012

DAY - 224

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was chock full of good gigs and beautiful weather.  Kicked the week off strong today with a writing session with hit-songwriter, Scot Sax...and even better...the session concluded with a brand new 'future hit' :)    Looks like we're 3 for 3 so far...3 sessions 3 new songs.  I like this pace.  The new one we just wrote is an upbeat and pissed off, pop/rock song intended for a female artist in the vein of Pink and/or Florence and the Machine.  Looks like we're going to start production this week.

I also sent some emails today to ASCAP Nashville to see if I can get some things set up while I'm in town next month.  I'm going to start trying to put together a nice line-up of networking and make the most of the trip.  More to come so stay tuned!

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