Tuesday, May 15, 2012

DAY - 220

Thanks to my piano and guitar student's, Jacob and Luke Small, I reached out to a really cool new contact today.  Producer, songwriter and recording artist, Brent Daniels, happened to perform at an assembly today at their middle school in Haddonfield, NJ.  With me in mind, Jacob and Luke remembered his name and website info and gave it to me tonight.  Thanks again boys :)

Brent looks to be a very talented writer and musician and has had some cool placements in TV & Film.  I reached out to introduce myself and send him some links to my stuff.  As you know, I'm always looking for new people to collaborate with.  Might be cool.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Back to the studio tomorrow.  Working on producing 2 new songs right now and a full band demo of "Love Takes Work"!  Can't wait for you to hear. Cheers!

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