Wednesday, May 30, 2012

DAY- 229 + 230

Apologies for the delay... This post covers yesterday's and today's (Tuesday May 29th, Wednesday May 30th) events: 

Talked to J Fred Knobloch today and he was just about to call Mike Sistad at ASCAP to see about the "New Crew Writer's Round".  Still keeping my fingers crossed about that event.  I think it'd be a great opportunity!   Called ASCAP and booked a writer's room for my writing session with Heather Longstaffe.  While I was at it, I booked a "play for publisher" meeting that same Wednesday @ 4pm.
I also reached out to ASCAP rep, Ryan Beuschel about the possibility of me swinging by his office for a quick meeting to show him new songs while I'm in town.

Today I got together with the Sweet Angeline team to record vocals on our new song and to finish writing another.  Slow start, but ended up being a solid day!

Let's see, let's see, what else... ooh yeah,  I wrote co-writer, Scot Sax an email to see if he wanted to get together one more time before I head out to work on the demo for the new song.  I'm really looking forward to this one.

Sorry for the laundry list nature of this blog but I had to get it all out...been a busy couple days!

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