Tuesday, May 22, 2012

DAY - 225

Slow start today.  Just one of those days you just don't want to get out of bed.  Must be the rain.  Decided to make a pit stop at Panera Bread to grab a bite and coffee, wake myself up, and do some good old-fashioned wi-fi networking.

Today I reached out to some more contacts in Nashville...still working on lining up writing sessions, meetings and networking events.  I've realized now, after making several trips to LA and Nashville, that I can achieve more, in a much quicker period of time, by making face to face connections rather than over the internet or by phone.  Nothing beats a handshake and a good conversation!  So needless to say, I want to make the most out of this upcoming trip.

I also reached out to successful artist/songwriter/longtime family friend, Dana Parish.  I've mentioned Dana over the course of this blog a couple times. www.danaparish.com  Dana has had her own series of successes as both a writer and an artist and has built a career that is very inspiring to me.  Not to mention, she's offered so much great advice over the years.    I always like to drop a line, touch base and let her know what's going on.

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