Thursday, May 10, 2012

DAY - 216 + 217

Apologies for the delay...  Here's the events for both yesterday (Day 216) and today (Day 217)

Day - 216

Today was crazy busy... I feel like I've been saying that a lot....maybe I need a vacation.  Anyway, I had my final recital for the semester at school and it went smoothly.  That's a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.  Hello to Summer!  Can't breath easy yet though... just got booked to sing at an enormously extravagant wedding ceremony at a Cathedral in NYC.  I'm talking these people spent over $60,000 just for the ceremony!!!  The music is REALLY hard.  I have about 14 pieces I need to learn by May 26th and the highlight is a 40-part motet by Thomas Tallis.  (That means 40 different vocal parts singing at the same time!)  Check it out, its called "Spem In Alium".  Enough about school and wedding stuff let's get down to business.  Today I emailed Scot Sax.  He's getting back from his Nashville/LA trip wanted to touch base and schedule another session.  Looking forward to working on some more tunes.  We actually have another good one on the back burner.

Day - 217

It's 8:30am, the sun is shining, birds are chirping...just had to get up and get this day started.  I did so by sending an email out to music song-plugger, Paul Majors.  Paul is the guy I was talking about who may have a connection to the Disney reps.  Just wanted to drop a line and follow up with him.  Still trying to get through with door and get "Heart On A String" placed with Disney.  I know its perfect just have to find the way in!

 Now it's off to work on "Spem in Alium" because the first rehearsal's tonight.  Already sweating it!   Wish me luck.

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