Tuesday, May 8, 2012

DAY - 215

Unfortunately didn't get TOO much done today.  Tomorrow is my final solo recital for the semester at school so I spent all day practicing and doing paperwork that I've slacked on (to be honest) throughout the semester.   Excuses, excuses, excuses...

Anyway, I did get a chance to email my Aunt Andria. (refer to yesterday)   I sent her
"Partly Cloudy Mostly Funny", the new song I wrote and recorded with Scot Sax, and a couple links to all my stuff so that she could forward over to the producer she met on the plane.  She let me know that he is actually the one responsible for the latest COKE campaign and that he's working on a pilot for a new MTV show!  Keeping my fingers crossed he takes a listen and digs something he hears.

Also, briefly talked to J Fred Knobloch about production stuff on our new demos. We've been sending files back and forth and things are coming along pretty well.  We have 2 song demos in the works.  Can't wait to post!

That's it for today.  More to come tomorrow

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