Thursday, May 31, 2012

DAY - 231

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

Beverly Sills

I was randomly reminiscing about a conversation I had with a friend of mine about 4 years ago.  He said something like, "Hey man, when do you think you'll give up on the whole music thing? You're young now, but what age do you think you'll quit if you don't make it?"  He didn't mean any harm by the question.  It was more or less a concerned, "hey, when are you going to get your life together" kinda thing.  I think my answer surprised him and honestly put some of his 'being a good friend worries' to rest.  I said, "I'm never going to give up.  I know my path is to create music and do it for a living. In my head, success is the only option because that's what I'm going to do the rest of my life."  I know it sounds cliche. Well, back then, I didn't know how to become successful... I didn't even know what success meant to me.  I just knew the one thing I was good at was writing and performing.... and I figured everyone else would eventually figure it out.

If I've learned anything over the past 4 years, its that no one is simply going to find you.  You have to pound the pavement, get involved and make yourself present!  And secondly,  you have to define your goals.  Specific, direct goals, then design a way to get there.  Actually, I think these 2 things should be reversed.  The latter is more important before you start pounding pavements!  Apologies for the preachy nature of this post...just had to get that off my chest. lol :)

Alright, things are shaping up nicely for Nashville.  Heard back from ASCAP rep, Ryan Beuschel today and we're set for a meeting on Wednesday morning.  Also, heard back from Scot Sax and it looks like we're getting together Tuesday of next week to work on the new song demo.  More to come so stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

DAY- 229 + 230

Apologies for the delay... This post covers yesterday's and today's (Tuesday May 29th, Wednesday May 30th) events: 

Talked to J Fred Knobloch today and he was just about to call Mike Sistad at ASCAP to see about the "New Crew Writer's Round".  Still keeping my fingers crossed about that event.  I think it'd be a great opportunity!   Called ASCAP and booked a writer's room for my writing session with Heather Longstaffe.  While I was at it, I booked a "play for publisher" meeting that same Wednesday @ 4pm.
I also reached out to ASCAP rep, Ryan Beuschel about the possibility of me swinging by his office for a quick meeting to show him new songs while I'm in town.

Today I got together with the Sweet Angeline team to record vocals on our new song and to finish writing another.  Slow start, but ended up being a solid day!

Let's see, let's see, what else... ooh yeah,  I wrote co-writer, Scot Sax an email to see if he wanted to get together one more time before I head out to work on the demo for the new song.  I'm really looking forward to this one.

Sorry for the laundry list nature of this blog but I had to get it all out...been a busy couple days!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

No networking will be done today on account of the holiday.  Hope you have a great day of family, friends, beach and BBQ...or whatever floats your boat.  Cheers!

In light of the holiday, I wanted to post a free download.  "Names" is a song I wrote... dedicated to the family and friends of our fallen soldiers.  I hope it can serve as a small comfort for your lose.  We thank them for their tremendous sacrifice.  May their names be remembered, honored and never forgotten.


Please feel free to download & share with anyone.

Friday, May 25, 2012

DAY - 228

I was doing some research today on events in Nashville and a stumbled across a cool article about ASCAP Nashville's "New Crew Writer's Round".  Basically, its a show in which serious, up and coming, writer's sit in a circle and perform new songs and tell stories to an audience of fans, friends, other writer's and industry folks a like.  The article I read was about a writer who was recently picked up by Big Yellow Dog Publishing (an awesome music publisher that I was trying to connect with) after performing in one of these ASCAP writer's rounds.  Soooo...of course, my wheels started turning...

I immediately contacted J Fred Knobloch to see if he might be able to help get me involved.  Fred has a great relationship with the reps over at ASCAP Nashville and let me know that he thought he could definitely help!  Actually, his words were, "its a no brainer" :)  Cool beans!  Its a quarterly event so I'll have to make plans for another trip in the Fall to get on the next bill.  Fred is seriously the man.  I know I've said that before, but I'll say it again. Not only has he been a songwriting/music biz mentor to me, but he truly goes above and beyond in every aspect to help.  In an industry filled with liars and crooks, people like J Fred are priceless.

Here's more info on the "New Crew Wrier's Round":

The ASCAP New Crew Writers Round is a fresh and exciting quarterly event that showcases up-and-coming singer-songwriters who have created a buzz and their own following. Singer-songwriters are hand-picked by the talented ASCAP Creative staff to perform on the show. Whether you're a publisher, record-label executive, booking agent, manager or just an avid music fan, this showcase is an opportunity to see some of the best new talent that ASCAP Nashville is excited about. This show is equally beneficial for both the writer and music exec, as it provides the opportunity to perform in front of Nashville's hottest tastemakers and functions as a platform for industry decision makers to find some of the best, undiscovered talent before anyone else. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

DAY - 227

Taking a brief break from practicing for the upcoming wedding gig (this Saturday) in which I will be performing two of the hardest pieces of Classical music I've ever had to learn!  I have the final rehearsal tonight so I'm hoping to have all of my parts committed to memory by 6pm this evening. We'll see lol!

Heard back from Katie O'Halloran at EMI Music Publishing. (refer to yesterday)  Good news...She sent an email to her boss regarding me and the fact that I'll be in Nashville the week of June 11th.  Her boss, in turn, forwarded the email to one of the head reps at EMI in Nashville...woo hoo! :)  So now I'm patiently waiting to see if anything happens.  I wrote back to Katie, thanking her graciously for her efforts.

Alright back to practicing.  As my Grandpop would often say, "You don't have to practice every day... only on days that you eat."

Bon appetit!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

DAY - 226

Famous author and speaker, Bob Burg, regarding networking...

"It isn't just what you know, and it isn't just who you know. It's actually who you know, who knows you, and what you do for a living."

"Position yourself as a center of influence - the one who knows the movers and shakers. People will respond to that, and you'll soon become what you project."
Bob Burg
Today I reached out to Katie O'Halloran at EMI Music Publishing.  Katie hooked me up to write with EMI writer, Heather Longstaffe while I'm in Nashville.   I figured I'd reach out to Katie this week to see if there might be anyone else i could potentially connect with while I'm in town!  I also sent her the rough mix demo of the new Sweet Angeline/Fred Knobloch song.  Hoping to finish soon and post.  Have a great rest of the day!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

DAY - 225

Slow start today.  Just one of those days you just don't want to get out of bed.  Must be the rain.  Decided to make a pit stop at Panera Bread to grab a bite and coffee, wake myself up, and do some good old-fashioned wi-fi networking.

Today I reached out to some more contacts in Nashville...still working on lining up writing sessions, meetings and networking events.  I've realized now, after making several trips to LA and Nashville, that I can achieve more, in a much quicker period of time, by making face to face connections rather than over the internet or by phone.  Nothing beats a handshake and a good conversation!  So needless to say, I want to make the most out of this upcoming trip.

I also reached out to successful artist/songwriter/longtime family friend, Dana Parish.  I've mentioned Dana over the course of this blog a couple times.  Dana has had her own series of successes as both a writer and an artist and has built a career that is very inspiring to me.  Not to mention, she's offered so much great advice over the years.    I always like to drop a line, touch base and let her know what's going on.

Monday, May 21, 2012

DAY - 224

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was chock full of good gigs and beautiful weather.  Kicked the week off strong today with a writing session with hit-songwriter, Scot Sax...and even better...the session concluded with a brand new 'future hit' :)    Looks like we're 3 for 3 so far...3 sessions 3 new songs.  I like this pace.  The new one we just wrote is an upbeat and pissed off, pop/rock song intended for a female artist in the vein of Pink and/or Florence and the Machine.  Looks like we're going to start production this week.

I also sent some emails today to ASCAP Nashville to see if I can get some things set up while I'm in town next month.  I'm going to start trying to put together a nice line-up of networking and make the most of the trip.  More to come so stay tuned!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

DAY - 223

Apologies for the delay on the post...

This post is for yesterday, Friday May 18th:

Mission accomplished. We came, we saw, we melted faces...alright that might be a little dramatic... but nonetheless, it was a great show and an awesome night overall!  If you're just reading today, I opened for Little Big Town with the Liv Devine Band last night at Starland Ballroom. LBT was honestly amazing.  One of the tightest groups and some of the best harmonies I've ever heard live. No exaggeration.

Said mission, was to talk to Little Big Town and casually give them a CD of the new song I wrote with the Sweet Angeline team. (will be posting up here hopefully next week)  Well, it couldn't have been easier.  The band was so down to earth and friendly.  Within the first 5 minutes of being there we started talking to singer/guitarist Philip Sweet.  After striking up a convo, Liv's manager Joni politely handed him the CD and told him that we wrote the song for them.  He seemed really accepting and grateful.  Keeping my fingers crossed they dig it because I know, after hearing them live, they would do a beautiful job with it.

So pumped!  Hope you have a great weekend.  Here's some pics from last night :)

               Little Big Town & Liv Devine Band pose for pic

Thursday, May 17, 2012

DAY - 222

Day 222... has a nice ring to it. Spent ALL day recording.  I had the Sweet Angeline team over the studio today to sing final vocals on a brand new song.  We spent all day working on it because we're preparing to pitch it tomorrow.  That's right, tomorrow!  It might be jumping the gun a little but we figured we might not get a better opportunity.  If you've been following, I'm opening for Little Big Town tomorrow with the Liv Devine Band....wooo hoooo!!! Anyway,  I don't know why it didn't hit me sooner, but today Liv had the idea that we should pitch the new song to Little Big Town at the show. Casually of course :)   Great idea! They're seriously the perfect pitch for this new song besides Lady A.  I called J Fred Knobloch to discuss the idea and he completely agreed.  So that's the plan.  Alright, back to some mixing to do.  Hopefully I'll have a version of the new song up soon for you to hear.  Wish me luck.  Cheers!

If you live in or around New Jersey and want to see the show here's the details:

Starland Ballroom
-Friday (tomorrow) May 18th
-Tix $23
-570 Jernee Mill Road  Sayreville, NJ 08872
(732) 238-5500

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

DAY - 221

When I graduated from college (the first time) in 2005, I never thought I'd experience the joy of Summer vacation again.  How sweet it is.  Rolled out of bed at a respectable 9am (Ok, ok... I know most people are at work by then, but I'm on Summer break remember? Lay off me!)  and it was straight to the studio.  I spent the better part of the morning/afternoon recording and working on 3 new demos.  While I have the extra time this Summer, I'm not only planning to increase my networking efforts, but my output of music as well!  The 3 new songs (2 of which were written with Sweet Angeline and J Fred Knobloch and the other is a solo piece by yours truly) are sounding great.  Hitting the studio again tomorrow to lay down final vocals on one them with the Sweet Angeline team.  Can't wait for you to hear the new stuff.

Speaking of new stuff, I talked to co-writer, Scot Sax today and we're set for a session next Monday.  Looking forward to getting together again with Scot.  We've got a cool thing going... fast writing, fast production, hopefully leads to a fast hit. :)  We shall see.

Speaking of songs I wrote with Scot,  I submitted "Partly Cloudy Mostly Funny" to an awesome and promising new listing I saw on today.  This is what it said...

SUPER-SUCCESSFUL CABLE CHANNEL looking for SINGER/SONGWRITER SONGS in the style of "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz, "Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars, "Breakdown" by Jack Johnson, etc. QUOTING THE MUSIC SUPE: "I need a sound reminiscent of summer and the beach, so the songs we receive MUST be light and fun." Make sure your LIGHT-HEARTED songs can add the perfect carefree, relaxed vibe to any scene. Be sure to check out the referenced songs for the feel this listing is looking for! Universal lyrics that can be applied to a variety of scenes are a must, refrain from specific names, places, dates, etc. Male or Female vocals are okay. Instrumentation and vocal performances must be top-notch! 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

DAY - 220

Thanks to my piano and guitar student's, Jacob and Luke Small, I reached out to a really cool new contact today.  Producer, songwriter and recording artist, Brent Daniels, happened to perform at an assembly today at their middle school in Haddonfield, NJ.  With me in mind, Jacob and Luke remembered his name and website info and gave it to me tonight.  Thanks again boys :)

Brent looks to be a very talented writer and musician and has had some cool placements in TV & Film.  I reached out to introduce myself and send him some links to my stuff.  As you know, I'm always looking for new people to collaborate with.  Might be cool.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Back to the studio tomorrow.  Working on producing 2 new songs right now and a full band demo of "Love Takes Work"!  Can't wait for you to hear. Cheers!

Monday, May 14, 2012

DAY - 219

"Men are what their mothers made them."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Definitely true for this writer :) Happy belated Mother's Day!  Hope all you mother's had a beautiful Sunday with family.  

Got some cool news today... Cliff Audretch III,  head of A&R at major Nashville label, Show Dog / Universal Music accepted a song I wrote with Liv Devine and Gene Micofsky called "Boots"!  Listen here:

We wrote and demoed the song about 3 months ago for the Liv Devine Band.  About 3 weeks ago, I had a hunch and told Liv to submit the song along with her press package to Cliff via MusicXRay.  "Boots" is a rocking, fun and upbeat, anthem for women... the recording is top-notch and the vocal and instrumental performances are spot on.  Long story short, she submitted and he bit!  Finally!  As you know from reading, Cliff is very particular and a tough critic when it comes to Country music.  He's a fantastic A&R rep and at very successful label in Nashville so... keeping fingers crossed this opens another door!!

Great way to start the week.  Stay tuned!

Friday, May 11, 2012

DAY - 218

Up and outta bed early this morning for rehearsal with the Liv Devine Band.  Great rehearsal...songs are sounding super tight.  Can't remember if I've announced it yet.... I'm playing a show next Friday, May 18th with the Liv Devine Band opening for Little Big Town @ Starland Ballroom!!!  That's right, if you're near Jersey or NYC next Friday, definitely come out for an AMAZING show. Tix are only $23 bucks!   If you don't know Little Big Town...check them out!  They're a kick ass Country Pop/Rock group with a bunch of hits.  You know I'll be trying strike up some small talk back stage...possibly exchange info...we shall see :)

Today I was scoured the listings and found 2 cool new ones and submitted.  The first, I submitted "20/20" and the 2nd, I submitted "Skinny Dippin'".  If you haven't heard those tunes you can listen here...

Here's what they said...

1)CONTEMPORARY (Male Only) COUNTRY SONGS in the range of BILLY CURRINGTON, KEITH URBAN, LUKE BRYAN, and ZAC BROWN are urgently needed by a Nashville-based PRODUCER going into the studio with a MAJOR LABEL ARTIST. Quoting the producer directly, "I need songs with lyrical integrity and insight that's down the middle. Musically, give me breezy and cool Country. And I'm looking for HITS!" Translation: He's NOT looking for anything too QUIRKY or LEFT OF CENTER, but DO give him a little ATTITUDE! And please AVOID clichŽs in your lyrics! They're going to gravitate to fresh ideas/lyrics, and will likely steer clear of pickup trucks and drinking songs. TAXI TIP: Mid to up-tempos will work best for this pitch, but they ARE open to hearing ballads if they are GREAT! As always, do NOT copy or rip off the referenced artists or songs in any way, shape, or form! 

2)CONTEMPORARY COUNTRY SONGS with MALE VOCALS in the style of Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, Brad Paisley, etc., needed by the Owner of an Independent Record Label working with an exciting, new Male Country Singer. Tracks submitted should have STRONG melodies, MEMORABLE lyrics and, above all, share the Contemporary sound and style of the referenced artists, while bringing something new to the table. Your songs MUST also have BIG, FRESH chorus hooks and a HUGE payoff! Make sure your lyrics are creative, compelling, and relatable. All tempos welcome, but mid to uptempos will work best. They're looking for radio-ready songs with HIT POTENTIAL. Vocal and instrumental presentations must be top-notch.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

DAY - 216 + 217

Apologies for the delay...  Here's the events for both yesterday (Day 216) and today (Day 217)

Day - 216

Today was crazy busy... I feel like I've been saying that a lot....maybe I need a vacation.  Anyway, I had my final recital for the semester at school and it went smoothly.  That's a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.  Hello to Summer!  Can't breath easy yet though... just got booked to sing at an enormously extravagant wedding ceremony at a Cathedral in NYC.  I'm talking these people spent over $60,000 just for the ceremony!!!  The music is REALLY hard.  I have about 14 pieces I need to learn by May 26th and the highlight is a 40-part motet by Thomas Tallis.  (That means 40 different vocal parts singing at the same time!)  Check it out, its called "Spem In Alium".  Enough about school and wedding stuff let's get down to business.  Today I emailed Scot Sax.  He's getting back from his Nashville/LA trip wanted to touch base and schedule another session.  Looking forward to working on some more tunes.  We actually have another good one on the back burner.

Day - 217

It's 8:30am, the sun is shining, birds are chirping...just had to get up and get this day started.  I did so by sending an email out to music song-plugger, Paul Majors.  Paul is the guy I was talking about who may have a connection to the Disney reps.  Just wanted to drop a line and follow up with him.  Still trying to get through with door and get "Heart On A String" placed with Disney.  I know its perfect just have to find the way in!

 Now it's off to work on "Spem in Alium" because the first rehearsal's tonight.  Already sweating it!   Wish me luck.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

DAY - 215

Unfortunately didn't get TOO much done today.  Tomorrow is my final solo recital for the semester at school so I spent all day practicing and doing paperwork that I've slacked on (to be honest) throughout the semester.   Excuses, excuses, excuses...

Anyway, I did get a chance to email my Aunt Andria. (refer to yesterday)   I sent her
"Partly Cloudy Mostly Funny", the new song I wrote and recorded with Scot Sax, and a couple links to all my stuff so that she could forward over to the producer she met on the plane.  She let me know that he is actually the one responsible for the latest COKE campaign and that he's working on a pilot for a new MTV show!  Keeping my fingers crossed he takes a listen and digs something he hears.

Also, briefly talked to J Fred Knobloch about production stuff on our new demos. We've been sending files back and forth and things are coming along pretty well.  We have 2 song demos in the works.  Can't wait to post!

That's it for today.  More to come tomorrow

Monday, May 7, 2012

DAY - 214

Monday...back to the grind.  Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend!  The show on Saturday with the 
Liv Devine Band went really well.  Thanks to all of you who came out.  Here's some pictures courtesy of Josh Moshen from Trenton China 

Today was pretty cool.  I found out that country star Billy Currington is looking for songs.  I realized that Shane Barrett (publisher rep I met last Nashville trip)  has had success pitching to Billy Currington in the past so I reached out to him today and sent Skinny Dippin'.  I've been saying from the very beginning that Billy Currington would be the best artist for this song so I'm hoping Shane agrees and wants to pitch him!  We shall see.   

Also... I got some pretty interesting news today from none other than my own Aunt Andria from Florida.  She happened to meet a very successful producer on a plane ride to Daytona! She told him about me and he gave her his contact info!  She's in the midst of trying to make an introduction / send some of my material.  More to come on this so stay tuned!  

Friday, May 4, 2012

DAY - 213

TGIF...Seriously!  Longest week ever.   2 more days left, then "school's out for the Summer".  Can't wait. Don't get me wrong, I love this grad program, but the break is much needed.  I'm planning to make this Summer the most productive yet!

Kicked off the day early with a 9am writing/recording session with Sweet Angeline.  Got through a good portion of a brand new song.  Its sounding really good so far.  Country rock in the same vein as Carrie Underwood.  Definitely a female singer anthem.  More to come on that.

Just heard back from EMI Music Publisher, Katie O'Halloran. (refer to yesterday)  Katie really dug the song and also said she listened to a lot of my older stuff and found some tracks that stood out as well.  Wrote her back to thank her for listening.  Looking forward to speaking with Katie some more.

Hope you have a great weekend!

OH!!, by the way,  if you're in the area, I will be playing with the Liv Devine Band opening for hit Country singer Craig Campbell this Saturday at Prospectors in Mount Laurel, NJ!!!  Should be an amazing show so if you're in the area come hang out!  Show starts 8:30pm

Thursday, May 3, 2012

DAY - 212

The new song I wrote with Scot Sax is officially finished.  (Mixed and Mastered by the amazing Barrie Mcguire)  Its a fun & happy, little, reggae infused pop tune called "Partly Cloudy Mostly Funny"  (I had a link up to it a little earlier but unfortunately since its in pitch mode with  publisher I can't have it up for public apologies)

Speaking of which... just heard from Scot today.  His publisher gave us the thumbs up on the song and will begin pitching it! :) :)

After getting word from Scot, I sent the song over to EMI music pub, Katie O'Halloran.  Wanted to get her feedback.  Also, I figured you never know, she might be working on a project that could use the song right now.

Also I just submitted to a listing on I submitted my song "Half the Girl"Here's what the listing said...

HOT AC SONGS with MALE VOCALS in the style of The Fray, OneRepublic, The Script, Parachute, etc., needed by the VP of A&R at a Major Label. Songs submitted should be commercially competitive and make an immediate connection with the listener. A FRESH and CONTEMPORARY take on lyrics and melody are essential for this one, so please review the referenced artists before submitting. Your lyrics should be youthful and have hooks that are immediately MEMORABLE and ENGAGING! MALE vocals ONLY! NO obvious MIDI, keep it REAL! Vocal and instrumental demo presentation must be top-notch!

Short and sweet but a good day!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

DAY - 211

Heard from Scot today and we got the song back from Barrie. (refer to yesterday)  It sounds amazing!  He definitely amped it up and took it to the next level.  We're just making some final touches and then I'll be ready to release it for your listening pleasure ...probably tomorrow! Stay tuned.

Also, have to give a shout out...
**My good friend and songwriting partner, Tyler James just released his brand new CD, "The NaivEP"  It sounds amazing!!  If you've never heard his music check it out NOW :) 

Also, just got off the phone with Nashville hit songwriter, J Fred Knobloch.  Fred is working hard on 2 new demos for the 2 new songs we wrote over the past couple weeks.  We talked briefly about production stuff.  Like I said a couple weeks ago, my next Nashville trip is in early June so I'm definitely planning some writing sessions and reaching to Fred to help me set up some meetings and/or performances.  Can't wait.  More to come.  Cheers!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

DAY -210

Alright as promised, here's yesterday's recap...

-Out the door by 5:30am and straight to my studio to record finishing touches on the new song Scot Sax and I are working on. Scot's publisher digs the song and instead of a good sounding demo, he wants a fully mixed and mastered song.  Cool beans!!  Which leads me to the next phase of the day...

-Met famous producer and bass player, Barrie Maguire, at Scot's studio to help edit, remix and master the new song.  Ok, this calls for a little backstory.  When Scot told me he would get his producer friend Barrie Maguire to help beef up the song, I had no clue who Barrie Maguire was.  Come to find out (after the session) that Barrie was the bass player for one of my FAVORITE bands/records...The Wallflowers, "One Headlight", he also played bass for Natalie Merchant, then went on to produce great albums like Amos Lee, Mutlu and a ton of others!   Totally random and awesome.  I hope I didn't make a fool of myself with questions like, "so you produce music full-time?" "That's cool man!"  Anyway, Barrie was great, met for about an hour and made sure he had everything he needed... then we were on our way.   If you want just google "Barrie Maguire producer" to check out his work.  

-Off to school to take a couple finals, then off to teaching.

-Got back around 8:30pm and got an email from Ryan Beuschel at ASCAP (refer to yesterday) He gave some really important feedback on Skinny Dippin' and some killer advice about the song.   If you haven't heard it you can check it out here.... Overall, he really digs it.  Which is cool because he's a tough critic.

-Finally,  I did some research on and found a really cool listing I'm gonna pitch the new song too once we get it back!  Stay tuned.

Apologies for the laundry list, but that's exactly how the day went!