Monday, May 14, 2012

DAY - 219

"Men are what their mothers made them."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Definitely true for this writer :) Happy belated Mother's Day!  Hope all you mother's had a beautiful Sunday with family.  

Got some cool news today... Cliff Audretch III,  head of A&R at major Nashville label, Show Dog / Universal Music accepted a song I wrote with Liv Devine and Gene Micofsky called "Boots"!  Listen here:

We wrote and demoed the song about 3 months ago for the Liv Devine Band.  About 3 weeks ago, I had a hunch and told Liv to submit the song along with her press package to Cliff via MusicXRay.  "Boots" is a rocking, fun and upbeat, anthem for women... the recording is top-notch and the vocal and instrumental performances are spot on.  Long story short, she submitted and he bit!  Finally!  As you know from reading, Cliff is very particular and a tough critic when it comes to Country music.  He's a fantastic A&R rep and at very successful label in Nashville so... keeping fingers crossed this opens another door!!

Great way to start the week.  Stay tuned!

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